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Christopher Carter: What. Just. Happened?

September 15, 2010

What is real? What just happened? Who am I? Why am I? Why is who is where and what and how and WTF?!?!?

These are just some of the thoughts my mind is able to conjure after being blown so completely. Listen:

My mind tends to get blown frequently. For instance, a good sunset can usually just about do the trick. But what I just saw — that was a whole different ball game.

I just watched Christopher Carter, a self-proclaimed mentalist, read the thoughts and feelings of 200 people in an auditorium. My jaw was on the floor. My eyes were opened wide. My head was shaking from side to side. And my mind was thinking: “really?”

And that’s really the question, isn’t it? Because the answer to that question can either justify or mortify all of the awe I’ve accumulated throughout the night.

I watched Christopher Carter — who was blindfolded — shout out names of people in the audience — names he conjured up in his mind through simply his sense of the room and feeling the vibes of the audience members —and then proceed to tell them their computer passwords, their most embarrassing secrets, the names of their pets, when and where their family members have died and other things of that nature.

I watched, incredulously, as Christopher Carter mentally willed two girls to turn on a lightbulb simply by opening their eyes.

I think I witnessed a miracle. But miracles don’t come around that often. I think I witnessed … magic.

And I’m not talkin’ “Oh, this night is magical” magic, I’m talkin’ Harry freakin’ Potter magic. I’m suggesting that Chris Carter was the valedictorian of his class at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

And I’m saying something that some of you might not follow me on: I’m sayin’ that magic is real.

Now, the group of people with whom I watched the show all attempted to come up with ideas about how Chris (we’re on a first name basis, by the way) made up his act. They looked for flaws, loopholes, catches, what have you. They thought, and discussed and denied and doubted.

But I remain firm and resolved. Maybe it wasn’t magic. But it was something special. The man has a special talent. You can call it what you want to call it, and you can say what you want to about it — but I say it’s magic. What say YOU?

3 Comments leave one →
  1. Gus Hastalis permalink
    September 16, 2010 11:05 am

    I have a bridge in New York that’s for sale. Are you interested? I still love you, though…

  2. weight permalink
    September 19, 2010 9:25 am

    hi again


  3. September 22, 2010 3:38 pm

    Magic! Sure! Why not?

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